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Pioneering Excellence: SeaStock’s Journey to Pharmaceutical Grade Red Pigment



In collaboration with the University of Western Australia, the team at SeaStock has made remarkable progress in the extraction of red pigment from Asparagopsis seaweed. Having already achieved the cosmetic grade threshold, the team is now focused on achieving the highest purity, analytical and pharmaceutical grade.

This undertaking isn’t simply about surpassing technical milestones; it represents a strategic move into a higher-margin sector. Pharmaceuticals demand the highest purity and quality, and achieving this purity index means SeaStock’s product will meet rigorous standards and command higher prices.

Additionally, the sustainability benefit of extracting red pigment from seaweed adds significant value. With a growing consumer preference for natural over synthetic pigments, this initiative is well-aligned with market demands for greener products and positions SeaStock advantageously within global markets. Independent market research forecasts show the natural food colourants market is set to grow from US$2.0 billion globally in 2022 to US$3.0 billion by 2028, and the global biotechnology pigments market, is expected to expand from US$1.0 billion in 2022 to US$2.2 billion by 2033.

As a result, SeaStock is ramping up the biomass extraction process, with the dual aim of fulfilling material off-take commitments and introducing its innovative product to new markets in Europe, Southeast Asia and North America, aiming to generate sales by Q3 this year.

Reflecting on SeaStock approaching pharmaceutical grade, Managing Director Tom Puddy said, ‘We’re on the cusp of a groundbreaking achievement that highlights our dedication to both innovation and sustainability. Importantly, our high-quality red pigment extraction enables us to produce the most cost-effective bromoform, a key agent in reducing global livestock methane emissions. Approaching this milestone, we continue to set new standards in the industry, underscoring our role as a leader in the development of sustainable, cost-effective solutions for global markets.


Research Scientist

Dr Sanjana Senthilkumar is a Ph.D. graduate of Philosophy in Biosciences and Bioengineering, from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, and holds a Bachelor of Technology in biochemistry from Sathyabama University, in India. During this time Sanjana gained vast research knowledge on plant secondary metabolites and their physiochemical properties. Her nearly decade-long experience spans across plant tissue culture, natural product chemistry, photo-physics, and various analytical techniques. She possesses skill in experimental design, research review, execution, data analysis, and scientific writing. She has led and executed a research entrepreneurship project, which involved design, development, and patenting of an innovative apparatus for use in chemistry laboratories. Additionally, she has undertaken several roles as a trainer, teaching assistant, supervisor, instrument operator, and laboratory demonstrator. Sanjana has been appointed to the position of Research Scientist to support the next phase of the Company’s commercial growth. Tasked specifically with helping establish a scientific approach to developing sustainable and commercially viable biomass growth of macro algae.


Production Technician

In 2023 Zoe completed a Bachelors in Coastal and Marine Science at Curtin University. During her study Zoe also gained work experience as an aquaculture volunteer, including roles with PhD students and Department Primary Industry Resource Development (DPIRD).  In addition Zoe worked at the Geraldton TAFE commercial hatchery, which introduced her knowledge to cultivate Asparagopsis seaweed and aquaculture operations.
Within completing Zoe's degree, she also completed field work studies on fish behaviours and interacted with multiple marine based professionals.  Zoe had access to innovative technology that made her learning & experiences much more immersive and accessible, enabling her to gain experience in technologies, equipment and platforms used within the aquaculture research industry.  Zoe is thrilled to be a part of the Seastock science team, which has further ignited her passion for the ocean and participating in work which will benefit the state of our climate. Working towards a more positive future for all.