In further exciting news from SeaStock’s research partner “Flinders University”, Prof. Jian Qin and Dr Thanh Hoang Hai are pleased to report that the research team is getting closer to developing the full life cycle stage of Asparagopsis Taxiformis.
This Western Australian native red algae from the Abrolhos Islands has a highly complex life cycle as tetrasprophyte, gametophyte and carposporophyte. All of these life stages are currently explored at lab scale as we work towards the commercial cultivation of Asparagopsis in WA.
Prof. Jian Qin commented:
“We have been culturing tetrasporophyte and the early-stage of gametophyte has been recently developed in the laboratory.
“This is a major milestone in terms of the development of our research that will allow SeaStock to further its research in the ocean culture by way of seeding lines.”
SeaStock Managing Director Tom Puddy said the milestone was a significant one for both SeaStock and Flinders on the path towards full scale commercialisation.
“This is a very significant milestone and one that was achieved well ahead of our anticipated timeline.
“This will allow us to gear up to produce larger commercial quantities of Asparagopsis to meet market demand and to scale up more quickly which is a huge positive for us as we progress.”